
Thursday, April 29, 2004


When it comes to Australian magazines the selection is not that bad. The contents are another matter. Each organisation produces either a magazine, web page, email list or use Net Group listing to post data, so over a week if you hang around the pub long enough you will get some 'tit bit' of data on Australian Ufology.

So what have I got to look or work with?

The main magazines are thus:
Australian UFO Bulletin - Vic UFO Research Society - Oz - 4
UFO Encounter..........- UFO Research Queensland - Oz - 6
UFO Quest...............- Centre for UFO Studies... - Oz - 4
Australasian Ufologist.- Earthlink Publications.......- Oz - 6
Newsletter...............- UFORNSW..................... - Oz - 6
NEXUS....................- Nexus Magazine.............- Oz - 12
New Dawn...............- Melbourne Pub...............- Oz - 6
ForteanTimes...........- Dennis Publishing LTD.....- UK - 12
UFOMagazine...........- Quest Publications..........- UK - 12
MUFON UFO Journal....- Mutual UFO Network Inc..- US - 12
IUR.......................- International UFO Reporter - US - 4

How do I rate them:
Australian UFO Bulletin - **... - Mail.......- Lost out of date
UFO Encounter......... - ****. - Mail........- Good Oz coverage
UFO Quest.............. - ***** - Mail........- Unique research mix
Australasian Ufologist.- **..... - NewsAgents - From web/local
UFORNSW Mewsletter.- ***... - Web - Local News
NEXUS...................- **** - NewsAgents - Variety
New Dawn..............- **.... - NewsAgents - NewAge
ForteanTimes......... - ***** - NewsAgents - Top Benchmark
UFOMagazine..........- ***.. - NewsAgents - Part international
MUFON..................- ***... - Web.........- Needs some help
IUR......................- ***** - Mail...........- Can be very good

What do they look like:
Australian UFO Bulletin - Yes
UFO Encounter......... - Yes....Yes 1226kB
UFO Quest...............- Yes....Yes 1000kB
Australasian Ufologist...- Yes
UFORNSW Newsletter..- No ...Yes 474kB
NEXUS.....................- Yes
New Dawn................- Yes
ForteanTimes............- Yes
UFOMagazine............- Yes
MUFON....................- Yes

This list is just a sample, there are many other magazines on the subject, covering diverse fields and that is without any input from the many web pages. The above list just gives you the reader, some contact and link to the people I am going to talk about.

So please follow the links.
