
Thursday, February 03, 2005

Barry Williams Visits Us

The great bearded burglar, one Skeptic God Barry Williams, only second to our King Richard Of The Skeptics - has passed out way, and we are merciful and grateful to breath thy essence, our blessing on thee. However, thanks to my spy(s) it seems that Barry thinks that I was trying to "seeking to find the genesis of the term "Malfunction Junction""

SEE: http://ufologist.blogspot.com/2005/01/what-is-ufo-malfunction-junction.html

Well sorry Barry, I would agree "Malfunction Junction" is as proverbial as white hair on thy face... but the case in point was UFO POLITICS related. May be next time?

"His research isn't too good either. I browsed his site and came to the bit where he was seeking to find the genesis of the term "Malfunction Junction" and claimed it stemmed from the 1970s. I know it had currency in the RAAF in the 50s and 60s, though not in any UFO context."
From: Barry Williams <skeptics@b...>
Date: Tue Feb 1, 2005 8:54 pm
Subject: Re: [qskeptics] Calendar gets publicity

The Decent of Man
