
Saturday, July 10, 2004


The latest newsletter from Debbie Payne is out, just click on the link

I went over the news, again nothing new or helpful, top marks for the effort!

But what drama for a box of files. And this:

Project visit to RAAF base Edinburgh South Australia:

"On 3 June 2004, Keith Basterfield, a member of the Project Secretariat visited RAAF Edinburgh to inspect files made available to us under our second Freedom of Information (FOI) request. The purpose of the visit was to identify papers to be photocopied for us."

And this:

"A report from two Army SAS members who sighted a UFO while on a mission, and during which observation their radio equipment would not work"

I have a copy of this report got iy years ago, and I think VUFORS or was it PRA got the interview job (not positive), but what a song and dance for files we have all seen!

I think PRA reported this file in one of their magazines (must look).

Sorry Debbie P & Keith B all the graves were robbed years ago, what drama, save your money.
